Create a consistent message to parents throughout your learning community.
Get the full set of Why We Play letters to be used by your entire teaching team.
Create an ongoing conversation about play that is consistent throughout your school.
Educated parents become advocates for play and supporters of your school.
45 letters means 1 letter per week all year without repeating.
OR 1 per month without repeating for an entire toddler to PreK experience.
45 Topics to choose from for responding to parent questions individually and immediately.
Your message matters, for your children AND for your school.
When parents understand the power of play and what you stand for, they value what you do, advocate right along with you, and recommend you to others as someone they trust.
The Why We Play letters reinforce the concepts taught in several of my trainings and full-day workshops.
Not Just Cute: Teaching with Intention, DAP and Why We Don't Push Kids Down the Stairs, as well as Powerful Play pair particularly well with the philosophy the letters endorse.
Schedule an online or in-person training by emailing
"We really enjoyed the research you presented and your style of presenting...Many told me you were their favorite speaker of the year, and I agree." - Elisha
School License:
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Value: $225+
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While a single license authorizes use of the letters by an individual classroom/teacher, a school license authorizes use by all members of your school team. Letters can be distributed in a synchronized manner, school-wide, for one cohesive message, or at the discretion of each teacher/classroom for an interweaving conversation.
"I love these letters! I am so thrilled to have these resources for springboard discussions at staff meetings. This lets my staff really get to wrap their heads around what they do and the confidence to articulate what they do in the class and why to the parents. Thank you so much!" - Jodi
A Word From The Author
As I speak and work with teachers around the United States, I'm often told, "I wish I could explain that to other people the way you just did." This series of letters is intended to help teachers do just that. Whether it's explaining why playing in the dress up area actually promotes literacy, or how snack time does more than fill hungry bellies, or what the deal is with that messy sensory table anyway, with just a quick read, these notes will remind you of your talking points and share your message with parents concisely and directly. -- Amanda Morgan, MS
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